About Us


OKIDOKI TRAVEL PERU was created by Alvaro Rozas who was born in the mountains of Peru with his mother tongue Quechua and his Andean religion and direct descendant of the Inca culture and work with his parents of farmer,

And afterwards I study in the university of Cusco the profession of Tourism Guide for 5 years and then I work in different tourist agencies of cusco like professional guide of mountain doing different treks to arrive at machu picchu

and recognized by the local government of cusco like one Of the best professional guides for its long professional career and being in machu picchu about 400 times with different groups of tourists, that is why I know

Alvaro Rozas that a tourist needs to be safe and enjoy the different mountain treks that connect To Machu Picchu and traditional tours throughout Peru.

Now with Okidoki Travel Peru we can offer you all the services guaranteed during your trip.

Thank you friends for trusting Okidoki Travel ¨Peru


Oki Doki Travel Peru


OKIDOKI TRAVEL PERU 100% Peruvian travel agency born in the heart of the Andean culture and tourism located in the city of Cusco, our company is authorized and registered according to law in Peru. We are also part of the organized agencies that promotes responsible and legal tourism for being an agency duly constituted in Peru.

Happy Tourist
Successful Tours
Place Explored


Tours in the Andean world, has a bilingual team, Transportation, Qualified bilingual guides, Lodging, Food. Quality, flexibility and first-class service at very competitive prices in Peru and the world.


  • SOCIAL REASON / TRADE NAME: Okidoki Travel Peru
  • No. RUC: xxx
  • ADDRESS: (Street) Calle Nueva Alta #644, Cusco – Peru.
  • TELEPHONE: 0051-084-286873
  • MOVISTAR CELL: +51 984 657 022
  • MOVIL: +51 969 249 344
  • WEB SITE: www.okidokitravelperu.com | Www.okidokicuscohostal.com
  • EMAIL: info@okidokitravelperu.com

Travel Agency and Local Tour Operator:

A. OKIDOKI TRAVEL PERU is an operator and travel agency authorized by the institutions that govern the tourism regulations in Peru; That is why we have the necessary licenses and permits to operate within our country.

B. We offer a variety of travel styles for all tastes, our programs are flexible and we can create customized tour packages that meet the needs and expectations of our clients on their trips in Peru.

C. We provide personalized assistance 24 hours a day, before and during your trip in Peru. When you contact us OKIDOKI TRAVEL PERU, you will be assisted by one of our experts in travel to Peru who will be glad to assist you and assist you as soon as possible by answering your queries and requested information.

D. We are specialists in offering individual services such as accommodation, travel tickets, entrance tickets to various tourist centers and much more to make your trip a super pleasant vacation in any part of Peru.

E. We know that you will be happy with our service, as evidenced by the hundreds of testimonies from our traveling customers from all over the world; See the videos and recommendations about your travel experiences that will be the inspiration for your next vacation in Peru.

Licenses and Authorizations of OKIDOKI TRAVEL PERU:

OKIDOKI TRAVEL PERU – Travel Agency and Tour Operator, meets all the requirements and licenses necessary to operate and offer the various tourism services throughout Peru. The institutions mentioned below are responsible for regulating the tourism industry in Peru and we are subscribing thereto:

  • We have the authorization of DIRCETUR (Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Cusco), a governmental organization that promotes competition, sustainability and diversification of Peruvian exportable products, tourism and handicrafts. See authorization on right side.
  • We are subscribed to PROMPERU (Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism), an institution belonging to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of our country.
  • We are registered in SUNAT (National Superintendence of Tax Administration), an institution attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru, our RUC number is No. xxxxxx.
  • On the other hand, we have the recognition of our customers like you who recommend us through TRIP ADVISOR; You can see your travel testimonials with our company by clicking here.

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